Role Play Code of Conduct

Last updated: June 2, 2023

The Code of Conduct outlines the policies and values that should guide the behavior of every SRP community member while enjoying your role play experience. The Code of Conduct applies to all of us, and if any individual does not align with SRP’s values the server owners reserve the right to remove or permanently ban those individuals to preserve the culture of the community.

You must be 18 years of age or older to join Stellar RP.
If your age is ever in question, you will be required to verify proof of age.

Our Mission

Create an inclusive online community where gamers can escape from the real world, unwind, and have a good time.

Our Values

Values establish an agreed upon framework for conduct that all players should understand and align behavior with, even in the absence of an explicit rule.

Requirements to Play in SRP

All players must meet the following requirements to play in the SRP server or they will be promptly removed until the requirement(s) are met:

How We Should Conduct Ourselves

All players should behave in alignment with the values of the SRP community at all times.  The following are rules to govern interactions within the game; however, it is not all encompassing and SRP leaders reserve the right to deploy disciplinary action in accordance to their discretion even if there isn’t a rule specifically outlined below.

The SRP leadership team is fully committed to thoroughly investigating any and all incidents, please do not take matters into your own hands (e.g. back seat admin). Report through the proper channels, so that your concern(s) can be adequately addressed by SRP Leadership. Please Make an appropriate ticket depending on your issue. Do NOT approach Staff within RP with issues of any kind. 

Making derogatory or discriminatory comments targeting individuals belonging to legally protected categories, such as race, gender, religion, nationality, age, disabilities, citizenship, sexual orientation, and gender identity, is strictly forbidden. Additionally, any threats to someone's safety or well-being are not permitted, as well as any other form of hurtful behavior.  This rule applies to all forms of communication within our community, including discussions in the City, on the Stellar Discord, and that also now extends to Direct Messages (DMs), or any other outside contact between Stellar Community Members. Our Community is not welcome to those who would follow that path.  To ensure transparency, community members are expected to provide evidence of DM conversations via live feed of any such incidents so that our Staff can make well-informed decisions. There is a statute of limitations to this as well, if the occurrence was more than 48 hours prior, it would be considered irrelevant to the current situation and circumstances .  If it happens to you, report it immediately.

Exploitation, Hacking, Metagaming, Power-Gaming, & Spamming

This encompasses any tools or modifications that manipulate in-game graphics or audio to grant an unfair edge. Examples of such modifications include, but are not restricted to: disabling the sky, displaying hit markers, providing headshot alerts, altering footstep sounds, utilizing fisheye lenses for an extended field of view, using any sort of zoom-in ability, using tracers, changing kill notifications, eliminating weather effects, or modifying the appearance of in-game objects. Graphic packs that enhance your FPS by altering or removing existing in-game items or scenery in a way that offers a competitive advantage are strictly prohibited. However, graphic packs like NVE are permissible, as they primarily enhance visual appeal without granting any gameplay advantages.

Characters may NOT engage in:


Game Mechanics

 L2- Characters may NOT abuse:

Role Play Scenario Expectations


L2 - Characters must:

Criminal Activity 

L2- Characters may NOT:

Rule of 6

L2- Characters may not:

Exception include:

Additional Info / Example Scenarios:

Police Department (PD) & Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Related RP Scenarios

L2 - Characters may not:

 Reasons for the Rule:

Violation of the rule may result in consequences ranging from a warning to a ban of varying degree, depending on the severity and frequency of the offense. Enforcement measures aim to ensure a fair and consistent application of the rule across all players. This may also result in demotion of rank in PD , or immediate removal from PD. (edited)

L2 - Characters may not

Vehicles & Aircrafts

L2 - Characters may not:

General Rules & Guidelines for flying:

Forbidden Role Play Scenarios

L2 - Acting out forbidden scenarios may result in a ban and/or permadeath of your character.

Our Disciplinary System

Note these are only baselines; each situation is different and will be handled at the discretion of SRP Leadership:

Warning -> 2nd Warning/Kick/Temp ban* -> 1 Day -> 3 Days -> 7 Days -> 30 days -> Permanent Would be how the normal increments would go, however, repeated rulebreaks can lead to longer terms depending on the issues at hand. 

*If you have been kicked/received a temporary ban from the server, you must open up a ban appeal ticket and talk to staff. This would be your final warning that repeated behavior needs to be corrected or it will result in a ban.

L1 - Can result in a warning , repeats of same offense will result in a Ban. 

L2 - This is an infraction that can range anywhere from a warning to permanent ban depending on the issue, recurrence of similar issues, and your history in the server. These infractions are usually heavily investigated by Staff and a decision would be made after review.

L3- Reserved for the worst offenses, usually resulting in a permanent ban for first offense. 

Any offenses older than 6 months can be viewed as expired or invalid depending on what the issue was about. 

L2 - Toxicity within the community- Ill-mannered conduct within this Community is not allowed. What Staff may deem as toxic behavior inlcudes , but is not limited to the following; constantly nagging and complaining without any attempts at resolution or reaching out via tickets, adverse responses or reactions constantly within the Discord, constantly berating or talking down to others, or any other behavior we deem ill-fitting in this community, we are all here to have fun and we must do our best to keep the toxin levels low. First offenses will be addressed via Staff Conversation, to try and remedy the issue. If that does not seem to change your behaviour, you may be deemed unfit for this community and removed. 

How Should You Report Misconduct?

All incidents related to misconduct should be reported via the SRP “Create- a Ticket” Discord Channel by creating a “Player Report Ticket” and follow the instructions to populate the appropriate fields. 

Terms & Definitions

What is exploitation of game mechanics?

Exploitation of game mechanics is when a player takes advantage of a flaw in the system to use items in an unintended way.

What is hacking/modding?

Hacking/modding is gaining unauthorized access to information, data or using mod menus/software.

What is a scene?

Any interaction between at least two characters (real or fake).

What is metagaming?

Metagaming is a term used in role-playing games, which describes a player's use of real-life knowledge concerning the state of the game to determine their character's actions, when said character has no relevant knowledge or awareness under the circumstances.

What is character separation?

Each character you create should be unique and different from your other alts- past or present. 

Additionally, do not reference any of your other characters while on a different character (or characters/cousins of another character/person), you don't know them, they are not your "cousin" or otherwise. Your Character does not have any knowledge of them at all

What is power-gaming?

Power-gaming is the act of using an in-game mechanic, or a roleplay concept to favor their own character or story, and give them an unfair advantage by forcibly ending a scene. 

What is harassment?

Harassment involves subjecting an individual to conduct which is unwanted and where the conduct has the purpose or effect of forcefully violating the victim's dignity (i.e. rape or other sexual acts). 

What is fail roleplay (Fail RP)?

When a person fails to roleplay properly, whether that be through going down an unrealistic route in history or intentionally disrupting the roleplay by trolling.

What is initiation?

Initiation is required to engage in combat with another player. When Initiating, you must make the player aware of your intent. To initiate you must be AT LEAST within shout voice range, and you must allow the other person to respond to your roleplay with words or actions. After initiation occurs you are able to engage in combat within 30 minutes of the initiation event. 


Morgue is synonymous with re-spawning, or otherwise dying, being revived, and restarting when you have NOT been taken care of by Nancy, EMS, Medkits or Evil Nancy.


Being healed refers to being brought to a medical care center and being seen by Nancy (or Evil Nancy) or being treated by EMS or a Medkit.

What is the New Life Rule (NLR)?

If your character is force morgued, you will have no memory of how you died or who killed you.

What is combat logging?

Combat logging is an attempt to avoid a scenario in game by leaving the game completely.

What is cop baiting?

Cop baiting is when your sole purpose is to attract the attention of San Andreas State Police Department (SASPD) with no gain to the development of your character and no intent of meaningful RP.

What is fear RP?

All characters must operate with some level of fear for their lives. They must have some sense of self preservation.

What is random death matching (RDM)/ vehicle death matching (VDM)?

Killing/running over a player for no reason and/or with no intention of roleplaying the incident.

What is permadeath?

A situation in which a character cannot reappear after having been killed.

What is NVL (Not Valuing your Life)?

This is when you don't value your life in a threatening situation. You must always value your life no matter the circumstances (even if you feel the situation is stupid, make a report later on but play the scene out anyways). If someone has a gun to you, do what they say!

How to NOT Value your Life
(Don't do this, you will be banned)